Diamond Dirt has been a staple for the ISC World Tournament in Kitchener over the years. A daily feature to include scores from previous day, local tid-bits, history, and more – Diamond Dirt is back for 2018. This year’s version will have a variety of contributors spotlighting many different areas of the game from our region and around the world.

Each day, a digital version will be made available with limited supply black and white printed copies available at the gate. Each digital version will be mobile friendly and available on the tournament website at http://iscwt.teamsnapsites.com/.

Access the digital copy of the pre-tournament edition of Diamond Dirt here: https://issuu.com/jakeliebelisc/docs/diamond_dirt_2018_issue_digital?e=34204326/63679902

For any questions, please contact us on Facebook, Twitter, or via email at kitchenerfastpitch@gmail.com